Getting Started with Finder Opta and Finder 7M

"Learn how to read 7M registers using the Modbus protocol on Finder Opta."

Guide and Tutorial | Getting Started with Finder Opta and Finder 7M


Among the protocols supported by the Finder Opta, we find Modbus RTU. In this tutorial we will learn how to implement Modbus RTU communication over RS-485 between the Finder Opta and a Finder 7M energy meter.In particular, we are going to learn how to correctly convert values read from the 7M registers to valid floating point values and upload them to the cloud.


  • Learn how to establish RS-485 interface connectivity between the Finder Opta and Finder 7M devices.
  • Learn how to use the Modbus RTU communication protocol to read 7M registers.
  • Learn how to convert encoded values to floating point numbers.
  • Learn how to upload 7M energy readings to the Arduino Cloud.

Required Hardware and Software

Hardware Requirements

  • Finder Opta PLC with RS-485 support (x1).
  • Finder 7M energy meter (x1).
  • 12VDC/1A DIN rail power supply (x1).
  • USB-C® cable (x1).
  • Wire with either specification for RS-485 connection (x3):
    • STP/UTP 24-18AWG (Unterminated) 100-130Ω rated
    • STP/UTP 22-16AWG (Terminated) 100-130Ω rated

Software Requirements

  • Arduino IDE 1.8.10+, Arduino IDE 2.0+ or Arduino Web Editor.
  • If you choose an offline Arduino IDE, you must install the ArduinoRS485 and ArduinoModbus libraries. You can install them using the Library Manager of the Arduino IDE.
  • The Arduino Cloud will be required to store the 7M energy readings via Wi-Fi® connectivity using the sketch provided in the following section. The Ethernet connection is also available as a connectivity option to leverage Arduino Cloud applications. The Arduino Cloud account is free and is needed to access its features.
  • Example code.

Finder 7M and the Modbus Protocol

Finder 7M energy meters provide access to a series of input registers (read-only registers) via the Modbus RTU communications protocol over RS-485 serial connection.

As documented in the 7M Modbus communication protocol document any measure accessible from the 7M display is also available on Modbus as a series of 16-bit reads: for example the energy counter E1 is available as a 32-bit value obtained by combining the read of the two 16-bit registers located at offsets 406 and 407. Note that all offsets are register offsets, not byte offsets.

For more insights on the Modbus communication protocol, take a look at this Modbus article: all the functionalities provided by the ArduinoModbus library are supported by Finder Opta.


Setting Up the Arduino IDE

This tutorial will need the latest version of the Arduino IDE. If it is your first time setting up the Finder Opta, check out the getting started tutorial.

Make sure you install the latest version of the ArduinoModbus and the ArduinoRS485 libraries, as they will be used to implement the Modbus RTU communication protocol. Additionally, install the ArduinoIoTCloud library, needed to upload the data to Arduino Cloud.

Connecting the Finder Opta and Finder 7M

To have some actual data to upload to the cloud you will need to connect the Finder 7M energy meter to the power grid and provide an adequate load to be powered via its 240V output connectors (like a lamp). Use the 12VDC/1A supply to power the Finder Opta and make sure to correctly setup the RS-485 serial connection between the Finder Opta and the 7M. You can refer to the following diagram while connecting your Finder Opta device to the Finder 7M energy meter via the RS-485 interface.

Connecting Opta and Finder 7M

For the example code to work, you will need to set the 7M communication parameters to:

  • Modbus address 2.
  • Baudrate 19200.
  • Serial configuration 8-N-1.

This can easily be done with your smartphone using the Finder Toolbox application via NFC.

Code Overview

The goal of the following example is to read some values from the Finder 7M via Modbus and print them to the serial console for debug. Moreover, the value of the E1 energy counter will be uploaded to the Arduino Cloud.

The full code of the example is available here: after extracting the files the sketch can be compiled and uploaded to the Finder Opta.

Note that the thingProperties.h file, generated by the Arduino Cloud during the dashboard configuration has been slightly modified to read the WiFi SSID and password from the config.h file:


// Read from the 7M every 10 seconds

// Use WiFi to connect to Arduino Cloud

Reading from the 7M

The following headers are required to enable the Modbus RTU protocol, the connection with the Arduino Cloud, and to import the mathematical function pow() that we'll need later.

The header file finder-7m.h contains all the needed definitions, like Modbus parameters and registers offsets.

#include <ArduinoModbus.h>
#include <ArduinoRS485.h>
#include <ArduinoIoTCloud.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "finder-7m.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "thingProperties.h"

const uint8_t MODBUS_7M_ADDRESS = 2;

void setup()

    digitalWrite(LEDG, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LEDB, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_D0, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_D1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_D2, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_D3, HIGH);


    digitalWrite(LEDG, LOW);
    digitalWrite(LEDB, LOW);
    digitalWrite(LED_D0, LOW);
    digitalWrite(LED_D1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(LED_D2, LOW);
    digitalWrite(LED_D3, LOW);

    Serial.println("Finder Opta + 7M example: setup");



        Serial.println("Modbus RTU client started");
        Serial.println("Failed to start Modbus RTU client: reset board to restart.");
        while (1) {}

The leds on the Finder Opta are flashed to show that we're executing the setup(), then the RS-485 is configured with the Modbus parameters according to the Modbus over serial line guide. The Baudrate is set to 19200, while the serial configuration is 8-N-1.

The loop() function contains the code that actually reads some registers from the 7M and then prints the values to the serial console for debug:

void loop()
    uint32_t data;

    Serial.println("** Reading 7M at address " + String(MODBUS_7M_ADDRESS));

    data = modbus_7m_read32(MODBUS_7M_ADDRESS, FINDER_7M_REG_ENERGY_COUNTER_XK_E1);
    Serial.println("   energy = " + (data != INVALID_DATA ? String(data) : String("read error")));

    data = modbus_7m_read32(MODBUS_7M_ADDRESS, FINDER_7M_REG_RUN_TIME);
    Serial.println("   run time = " + (data != INVALID_DATA ? String(data) : String("read error")));

    data = modbus_7m_read32(MODBUS_7M_ADDRESS, FINDER_7M_REG_FREQUENCY);
    Serial.println("   frequency = " + (data != INVALID_DATA ? String(convert_t5(data)) : String("read error")));

    data = modbus_7m_read32(MODBUS_7M_ADDRESS, FINDER_7M_REG_U1);
    Serial.println("   voltage = " + (data != INVALID_DATA ? String(convert_t5(data)) : String("read error")));

    data = modbus_7m_read32(MODBUS_7M_ADDRESS, FINDER_7M_REG_ACTIVE_POWER_TOTAL);
    Serial.println("   active power = " + (data != INVALID_DATA ? String(convert_t6(data)) : String("read error")));

In order we read:

  • The energy counter E1 in its x1000 version (in 0.1 Wh increments).
  • The total run time (s).
  • The frequency of the input AC (Hz).
  • The voltage of the input AC (V).
  • The total instantaneous active power (W).

All the values are 32-bits wide, so we can use a single function to obtain the raw data for all of them:

uint32_t modbus_7m_read32(uint8_t addr, uint16_t reg) 
    uint8_t attempts = 3;

    while (attempts > 0)
        digitalWrite(LED_D0, HIGH);

        ModbusRTUClient.requestFrom(addr, INPUT_REGISTERS, reg, 2);
        uint32_t data1 =;
        uint32_t data2 =;

        digitalWrite(LED_D0, LOW);

        if (data1 != INVALID_DATA && data2 != INVALID_DATA)
            return data1 << 16 | data2;
            attempts -= 1;

    return INVALID_DATA;

The modbus_7m_read32() function reads two consecutive 16-bits registers starting from offset reg from device with Modbus address addr, and composes them into a single 32-bits value by shifting the first value right by 16 bits. always returns a 32-bit result, with the value -1 (0xFFFFFFFF) indicating an error. If the code detects any problem, it tries to perform the read up to three times, before giving up and returining the error value to signal the calling code in loop().

Some values, like the total run time or the content of counter E1, are real 32-bits values (indicated by the type codes T2 and T3 in the 7M Modbus communication protocol document) and they can be used without further processing. Unfortunately other values, eg. the input current frequency or its voltage, use a special encoding and need to be decode before they can be used.

float convert_t5(uint32_t n)
    uint32_t s = (n & 0x80000000) >> 31;
    int32_t e = (n & 0x7F000000) >> 24;
    if (s == 1) {
        e = e - 0x80;
    uint32_t m = n & 0x00FFFFFF;
    return (float)m * pow(10, e);

The convert_t5() function can be used to covert any value using the T5 encoding to the corresponding float value. As explained in the 7M Modbus communication protocol document T5 means that the 32 bits are used as follows:

  • The most significant 8 bits are a signed exponent between -128 and 127.
  • The least significant 24 bits are an unsigned number or "mantissa".

The code extracts the sign s and the unsigned exponent e, then depending on the sign determines the final, signed value of the exponent. The pow() function is used to elevate the mantissa m to the power of e and the result is returned as a float.

Sending data to the cloud

To send data read from the 7M to the cloud you will need to setup an Arduino Cloud account, register your Finder Opta device, assign it to a thing and add a property for every variable you want to upload.

In this example we will send to the could a single value: the energy counter E1. After adding the single energy property we can copy the code generated by the Cloud IDE into our sketch thingProperties.h:

#include <ArduinoIoTCloud.h>
#include <Arduino_ConnectionHandler.h>
#include "config.h"

const char SSID[] = WIFI_SECRET_SSID;

float energy;

void initProperties()
    ArduinoCloud.addProperty(energy, Permission::Read);

    WiFiConnectionHandler ArduinoIoTPreferredConnection(SSID, PASS);
    EthernetConnectionHandler ArduinoIoTPreferredConnection;

The constants WIFI_SECRET_SSID, WIFI_SECRET_PASSWORD and ARDUINO_CLOUD_USE_WIFI are defined in config.h and allow to configure the Finder Opta for a WiFi or Ethernet network connection.

The setup() function will need some additional code to correctly setup the connection to the Arduino Cloud, most notably:



    ArduinoCloud.addCallback(ArduinoIoTCloudEvent::CONNECT, iotConnect);
    ArduinoCloud.addCallback(ArduinoIoTCloudEvent::DISCONNECT, iotDisconnect);

Using the Finder7M library

To simplify all the tasks we performed in this tutorial, it is possible to use the Finder7M. In this case, the setup() code is much easier because the library itself provides built-in functions to configure the RS-485 paramaters:

Finder7M f7m;

void setup()


    // Arduino Cloud or other initialization code goes here.

The loop() is also simpler:

void loop()
    Serial.println("** Reading 7M at address " + String(MODBUS_7M_ADDRESS));

    data = f7m.modbus7MRead32(MODBUS_7M_ADDRESS, FINDER_7M_REG_ENERGY_COUNTER_XK_E1);
    Serial.println("   energy = " + (data != INVALID_DATA ? String(data) : String("read error")));

    Measure a = f7m.getMIDInActiveEnergy(MODBUS_7M_ADDRESS);
    Serial.println("   IN active energy = " + String(a.toFloat()));

To learn more about the library head over to the official repository.

Reading from multiple Finder7M devices

If we want to read from the registers of more than one 7M, we can initialize in our program an array containing the Modbus addresses of the devices that we want to interact with:

const uint8_t addresses[4] = {6, 10, 11, 13};

In the loop() function we can interate over it in a for loop and use the Finder7M library to perform reads:

void loop()
    for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(addresses); i++)
        Serial.println("** Reading 7M at address " + String(addresses[i]));

        data = f7m.modbus7MRead32((addresses[i]), FINDER_7M_REG_ENERGY_COUNTER_XK_E1);
        Serial.println("   energy = " + (data != INVALID_DATA ? String(data) : String("read error")));

        Measure a = f7m.getMIDInActiveEnergy(addresses[i]);
        Serial.println("   IN active energy = " + String(a.toFloat()));


This tutorial demonstrates how to use the ArduinoRS485 and ArduinoModbus libraries to implement the Modbus RTU protocol between the Finder Opta and a Finder 7M energy meter. Additionally, it shows how it is possible to use the Finder7M library to easily read counters and other values from a 7M.