Opta update via USB

Learn how to update Opta by reading the new firmware from a USB storage device

Guide and Tutorial | Opta update via USB

Opta update via USB

The library's functionality centers around facilitating the process of updating Opta by reading the new firmware from a USB storage device.


The code below shows a basic example of how to use this library. More examples are included in the examples folder.

#include <OptaUSBUpdate.h>

void loop()
    // Start the update when the user button is pressed for at least 2s.
    if (digitalRead(BTN_USER) == LOW)
        unsigned long now = millis();
        while (digitalRead(BTN_USER) == LOW)
            if (millis() - now > 2000)

void doUSBUpdate()
    // The file UPDATE.OTA is stored on the second FAT partition.
    OptaUSBUpdate_QSPI update(QSPI_FLASH_FATFS_MBR, 2);
    OptaUSBUpdate::Error update_error = update.updateFromUSB("UPDATE.OTA");

    if (update_error != OptaUSBUpdate::Error::None)
        Serial.println("USB update error: " + String((int)update_error));


How to create UPDATE.OTA

To create the UPDATE.OTA file, start from a sketch and follow the steps:

1) In Arduino IDE select Sketch->Export compiled Binary from the menu or, if using arduino-cli use the --export-binaries command line option.

2) From the command line, execute the bin2ota.py program that can be found in the extras/make-ota folder:

$ extras/make-ota/bin2ota.py OPTA yoursketch.bin UPDATE.OTA



This library is released under version 3 of the GNU General Public License. For more details read the full license.

The code in extras/make-ota is a modified version of the Arduino code available from https://github.com/arduino-libraries/ArduinoIoTCloud/ and has the same license (GPL3).


For communication reach out to iot@dndg.it.